Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Big Things

On Monday, half my house and I woke before dawn and shared a simple meal. As the sun began to rise, I knew this would be my only sustenance for twelve hours.

As I participated in this year's Interfaith Fast Day for Peace, I thought of all other people around the world with whom I was fasting in solidarity. I thought of students around the United States, Canada, the UK, Japan and Latin America I had met through Facebook.

I thought about the other UU's I knew who were fasting. And I was wondering what was sustaining them.

I thought of my Muslim friends who fast every day through the month of Ramadan. And the joy I shared with them at a recent Iftar.

I thought of the victims of genocide, famine and war. People who would be hungry today and tomorrow. And their constant fear of vigilante forces and occupying enemies.

I thought of the poor and hungry I help feed here in Washington DC, just feet from the White House. And how, often, the meal we give them may be their only meal of the day.

I thought of activists such as Alice Paul, Cesar Chavez and Mahatma Gandhi and their prolonged fasts for justice and peace. And I wondered how it was they could do this day in and day out for weeks at a time.

And while, at times, it was easier than I had expected; it was also so very difficult. And when we broke fast that night, with a simple meal, surrounded by friends and family, I was so happy and grateful.

But fasts weren't the only excitement this week. Today, Rev. Bill Sinkford, President of the UUA delivered to Congress today our Petition for Peace and Justice. Over 13,000 signatures of UU's were brought along with the over 60,000 signatures from the United Church of Christ. To see all the hard work and organizing that went into this success enlivens us all. We took this task on head on and came home champions.

While we did not reach our goal of 25,000 names--we did get a massive amount of people to support our cause (over 50%). The momentum and excitement of the project makes us want to work all the harder for all of you.

Thank you for all your support.