Well, that certainly was a surprise!
Yesterday, I posted about how certain I was Al Gore would *not* win the Nobel Peace Prize today.
*Insert foot in mouth*
So most folks are probably not surprised. I am only surprised to a certain degree. And that is tempered by the fact that he will be sharing it with the UN's International Panel on Climate Change.
The surprise is found in the fact that, with very few exceptions, the prize panel does not award to the trendy. Much like their their Norwegian counterparts, they usually award to a lifetime of work. Gore has only been actively working on it for the past six years. And as a housemate of mine said, "good for him, he has been able to convince a bunch of Americans what the rest of the world has already known."
Don't get me wrong, his work is good. But, it could be better. "An Inconvenient Truth" left me wanting more. It was the environmental equivalent of a slasher movie. All Gore and no substance. (yes, pun intended). Other than the quickly moving notes in the credits, there were no concrete ideas given the viewer of how to affect change.
So, Bravo Mr. Gore and the UNIPCC. Thank you telling us that we are all going to perish at the hands of a painful and terrifying fate. And thank you Nobel Peace Prize for driving the message home.